Thursday, March 11, 2010

Bags of dog food for Turbo!

I was fearing the day that I had to say goodbye to my dog Turbo and kitty: Q-cat Convict. We had decided that moving them to Tallehassee 2 weeks prior to my departure would give me a chance to adjust as well as give Mary Beth a chance to bond and ask questions while I was still in the U.S.
The time was set and although it was expected, when she actually called to say she was in town heading my way, I completely lost it.
When she arrived, Turbo and I walked out to her van to go over setting up a dog bed in back when the most amazing thing happened. Turbo walked up to the van and put his paw up on the sliding door’s step.
“You want to get in?” I asked him.
He stayed it that position until I gave him a lift up and in. He promptly went to the back, crawled up on the back seat, and looked at us with his ears up and a big dog smile. Eventually he laid down and fell asleep as MB and I talked.
He gave me that gift. It felt like he was saying “I’m ready. You go on your adventure, I’m going on mine.”
Photo: Sheri says goodbye to Turbo-dog.

Thanks to Ruth and Sheri for sponsoring some bags of dogfood.

1 comment:

Jane O'Brien said...

OMG, Edee. That is a priceless picture. He's going on vacation!!! Remember me telling you about that cat that adopted us? She was just so little and decided that she'd choose us for her home. Then we had that real cold snap and I didn't know what to do because I never had a cat and I was afraid of her. You told me to let her in the garage and she'd be fine. Well, a year later, Edee, after never having a cat and being apprehensive about them, I just love that cat. Whiskers sleeps with me at night and antagonizes the two dogs during the day. Yes, we are lucky she found us.