Friday, July 16, 2010

A lesson in Ouso.

A drink in a Port is what the sponsorship request said. Okay, how about a lot of drinks!

I had Ouzo once in my life. Eight years ago when I visited Santorini for the firs time. The bartender insisted that it was a shot: “Dumb tourist’s, they’ll believe anything,” he probably thought.

This time, I read up on it. No, it is not a shot and it is NOT to be drank as if you are at a frat party. It is to be sipped slowly with water or over ice. As the two elements are added together, your drink turns a milky white.

After reviewing the shelves and seeing how many brands there are, I decided to use the price as the indicator and found the most expensive.

If you like licorice, you will love this drink as the flavor of anise is the dominate taste.

Three months later and four bottles later, we have enjoyed a tiny amount over ice on non-sailing nights. And if you love the flavor of licorice and have a mind set of sipping. This is a drink for you. bottle is floating in the sea with a note: “Help! Send more Ouzo, “ the note reads.

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